Sales Funnels Examples You Need to Know About

Sales Funnel

Are you a ClickFunnels user with a sales funnel that’s not generating the sales you want?

Or, are you interested in driving your business’s growth in the simplest way possible?

If you fall under one of the two categories, if you’re a combination of both, or if you can simply relate, in some capacity, to one of the two, then you’ve come to the right place.

Shortly put, your sales funnels might not be giving you the sales output that you desire.

Want to know the secret to learning how to give your ClickFunnels sales funnels a bump?

It’s all about looking and learning. It’s important to pay attention to the sales funnels that work, and then to see how you can apply their strategies to your own funnels.

We’ll give you a breakdown of several of these sales funnels, and why they’re so successful.

Before we get to the meat of this article, however, we’ll look into several mistakes that ClickFunnels users often make when they begin to create their sales funnels.

Looking to launch a new product or service funnel soon? We’ve helped countless #FunnelHackers overcome broken links, invalid redirects, missing Pixels, wrong videos on webinars, the list goes on…  But, all of these issues can be avoided by following our Ultimate Launch Checklist. Grab it for free now.

Three Newbie ClickFunnels Mistakes Commonly Made With Sales Funnels

clickfunnels mistakes

We know…

We promised we’d talk about real-life funnel examples.

But, we have to talk about three mistakes that many of us make before/during the creation of your ClickFunnels sales funnels.

Who knows? These three mistakes (and fixes) might be just what you need to take away from this article!

After we’ve rocked your world with these quick fixes to the most common sales funnels mistakes, stay tuned.

You won’t want to miss the real-life, eye-popping, successful funnels! (ClickFunnels-based, of course)

Mistake #1: Putting More Effort Into Looks Than Content

While it may seem important to pump creative juices into the design of your site, make note of one important thing: Content trumps design.

Your funnel can have a killer design that attracts and inspires the many people that find their way to your site.

If you don’t have the valuable content to match, however, you won’t convert funnel-goers to sales.

Mistake #2: Cutting Corners to Save Money

One of the most important aspects of having a killer funnel is to ensure that anyone or anything you recruit to help your funnel thrive won’t come up short when you need them most.

It’s easy to get excited about a product or service that’s cheap, and can, supposedly, help your funnel.

save money

Don’t settle for anything less than quality, however. Thoroughly analyze their website, compare their services to other similar sites, and look for OUTSIDE reviews of the company or person.

*Related article: 5 Mistakes Even Professional Funnel Builders Make (and How to Avoid Them)

Mistake #3: Split Testing With Anything BUT Warm Leads

If you take shots in the dark when you split test your email marketing campaigns (a potent part of any sales funnel), you’re also taking a shot at your business.

You want to test varying funnel patterns and designs on warm leads or people whose interests you’ve already piqued.

Now that we’ve covered our defensive end, so to speak, of fixing mistakes, let’s play a little offense.

Shying away from ClickFunnels, let’s take a look at some real-life sales funnels examples that have proven their worth in the vast online universe.

Three ClickFunnels Sales Funnel Examples

If you’re a member of the ClickFunnels site, you know that there are more than just three ways of building a strong sales funnel.

But, these three examples are some of the most prominent sales funnels that you, as a ClickFunnels user, can integrate into your own funnels for potential success.

Funnel #1: Lead Capture/Opt-in Funnel

lead page

This classic sales funnel is a method of email capturing.

A visitor to your site will be prompted to give you their email, which will allow you to then market your site’s products and services to them.

If your prospective visitor is prompted to follow the link from the email you’ve sent, then they’ll, of course, be directed to a landing page.

The landing page is a critical element of a Lead Capture/Opt-in Funnel and serves as a middleman (separate from your site) that solely serves to navigate visitors to the correct destination on your site.

This is the oldest trick in the book, yet, folks seem to often forget about the effectiveness of email lists when it comes to building their online business or website.

Here are some tips to successfully steer your Lead Capture/Opt-in Funnel in the right direction:

  • Only give your customers one choice: This means that you need to be clear with what you’re offering on the opt-in page.

Is it a free trial of your product?

Is it an e-book?

Your site’s visitors will appreciate the clarity, and so will your wallet.

  • Don’t ask for more information than necessary: In fact, it’s good to just stick with a visitor’s email.

Asking too much from a visitor might deter them from using your site altogether.

  • Include Visuals: This is particularly important when it comes to the design of your landing page; you’ll want eye-catching visuals that keep attention focused on the page.

Funnel #2: Webinar Funnel

webinar funnel

The Webinar Funnel gives visitors an opportunity to see and hear about you and your product face-to-face.

From here, you can promote whatever your business is selling which will, in turn, drive your business’s sales.

Here are some tips for a successful Webinar Funnel:

  • Don’t waste your time on dead leads: Webinar Funnels are for qualified leads or those who are distinctly in demand of your product or service.
  • Create exposure to your webinar through social media: And what better way to do it than through Facebook?

While qualified leads will jump at the opportunity to see your webinar, they might think twice before they go to your site to find the link to said webinar.

Use Facebook advertising to generate an audience response and raise your webinar’s awareness.

Funnel #3: Membership Site Funnel

registration page

A less known sales funnel, the membership site funnel is an excellent way to bring in a constant stream of revenue for your business.

You can find the template for this funnel in the Backpack feature of ClickFunnels.

The framework goes essentially like this:

  • Landing page, registration page, registered members area.

It’s simple and it’s a great source of revenue, particularly for businesses that already have an established stream of customers.

That’s All, Folks!

We hope you’ve learned about how ClickFunnels sales funnels are quite distinct.

We hope you’ve learned about mistakes you may have made (or that you’re currently making) when you started your ClickFunnels sales funnels processes.

Your business can, undoubtedly, be grown with the proper ClickFunnels sales funnels.

If you pay attention to the three prominent funnels we just mentioned, you can grow your business to previously unattainable heights.

And don’t forget, if you need help, hire FunnelFixit!


Looking to launch a new product or service funnel soon? We’ve helped countless #FunnelHackers overcome broken links, invalid redirects, missing Pixels, wrong videos on webinars, the list goes on…  But, all these issues can be avoided by following our Ultimate Launch Checklist. Grab it for free now.


A Clickfunnels and Leadpages Comparison: Outlining Important Differences

Clickfunnels vs Leadpages

Have you ever wanted to know the key differences between Clickfunnels and Leadpages, two similar sales-building applications?

While the functions of each are similar, there are a few major differences.

What are they, you ask? Well, we’ll let you know all about them in a moment.

First, however, let’s have a look at what exactly Leadpages and Clickfunnels are.

Continue reading “A Clickfunnels and Leadpages Comparison: Outlining Important Differences”

[Ultimate Funnel Launch Guide] Essential Checklist To Your Next Funnel Go Live

Funnel Launch Checklist for Clickfunnels from

You’ve got yourself a great funnel template from the Marketplace.

You’ve worked for hours on your images.

You’ve used FunnelScripts to create the most amazing sales copy, and now you’re finally ready to go live…

So, just turn on your Facebook ad and wait for the sales right?

{facetious head shake} No.

Please, please, PLEASE – Test. Your. Funnel!!

We’ve helped countless #FunnelHackers overcome broken links, invalid redirects, missing Pixels, wrong videos on webinar – the list goes on… Continue reading “[Ultimate Funnel Launch Guide] Essential Checklist To Your Next Funnel Go Live”

The Funnel Fix It Manifesto – 7 Characteristics of a Perfect Help Request

Funnel Fix It Manifesto

[Funnel FIX It Manifesto]

7 Characteristics Of The Perfect Request
Our team solves ANY Sales Funnel issue and each day we receive many requests daily from entrepreneurs and business owners getting ready for their next, or their very first launch.
We put this brief guide together to help you get the best Sales Funnel support possible, whether using us, someone else, or going it alone,
Here are the 7 tips to help you get a lightning-fast solution to your Sales Funnel problem: Continue reading “The Funnel Fix It Manifesto – 7 Characteristics of a Perfect Help Request”